Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I have had a LONG week and it's only half over. Emma got the virus that Avery had the week before. It's been a tiring few weeks. I was in desperate need of some craft therapy. 

With a new project in mind, I headed to JoAnn's. I try not to go there often because I usually want to buy everything in the store. However, I have taught myself something over the years - actually, since I've married my husband - I don't buy anything unless I know exactly where it will go in my house and what I will use it for. How many times have you purchased something only to find it laying in the bottom of your closet three months later? I hate when that happens. So, I developed the strategy I mentioned above. It has helped me tremendously. 

Anyway, I digress. While I was mulling over which material I wanted for my project, I hear my girls call from the next isle over, "Mama, don't come over here." I would have been concerned about what they were doing but I was too preoccupied with my fabric to ask. (Mom of the year, huh?) When they finished whatever it was they were doing, they called me over and this is what I saw:

Forget craft therapy.  This hit the spot.  I heard some women from another isle say, "Oh, look what they did.  How cute."  I oohh'd and ahhh'd and then told them to clean it up, but not before snapping this picture.

That made my day.  I just wanted to share.

Has something happened over the past couple of weeks that just made your day?  Care to share?   

Thanks for stopping by,




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